SUPERCIRCULAR Urban Innovative Actions project proposal – Towards Europe’s first Circular Estate
Phasing of SUPERCIRCULAR from 2017 onwards
Click here for the PDF file: phasing_supercircular
Background documents SUPERLOCAL
Introductory presentation: Introductory presentation SUPERLOCAL
Additional information presentation: backgroundinformation introductory presentation
Projectplan SUPERLOCAL: superlocal_projectplan_EN
Process SUPERLOCAL: 665 – proces superlocal
Droneflight projectlocation SUPERLOCAL
Experience the project location from a unique point of view.
Books of neighbours
The books of neighbours, or, in Dutch, “burenboeken” are two complementary publications of stakeholders’ experiences, memories and attitudes about the apartment blocks. The first book includes memoires of former inhabitants, and was compiled with the cooperation of the last remaining residents and residents that already moved out of the flats, together providing a view from within the flats. To provide a full perspective, a second book was created, that includes the view from neighbors surrounding the high-rise flats. The latter group of stakeholders for whom the flats were just as embedded in everyday life as for the former residents. Both books of neighbours consist of photographs of a range of perspectives from within and outside the high-rise apartment blocks, together forming a 360 degree view upon the apartment blocks. In the future HEEMwonen aims to compile a third book, consisting the perspective of the new residents of the SUPERLOCAL housing.
- The first published book, “Jidderine völt zich doa heem”: INDEX_Burenboek Bleijerheide
- The second book, “(A)BCD360”: Burenboek 360graden
Results Masterstudents recyclable engineering RWTH University
An impression of the latest RWTH master module for the SUPERLOCAL project.
IBA Parkstad
An introduction to IBA (Internationale Bau Ausstellung) Parkstad.
Highliners balancing between the high-rise apartments, a collaboration with Dutch Mountain Film Festival (DMFF).
The video below is about the SUPERLOCAL project in general and also shows the cooperation with universities.
Het laatste SUPERLOCAL nieuws
SUPERLOCAL Buurtfeest van en voor Bleijerheide
Het project SUPERLOCAL Super Circular Estate is al enige tijd afgerond en nu ook de openbare ruimte gereed is, wordt het geheel op 10 juni feestelijk officieel geopend. Initiatiefnemers HEEMwonen
Gebied SUPERLOCAL in december 2022
Het is alweer ruim een jaar gelden dat we dronebeelden deelden van het SUPERLOCAL-terrein. Toen was de flat aan de Voorterstraat bijna klaar en werd er hard gewerkt aan de
Subsidieverleners bekijken resultaten SUPERLOCAL-Super Circular Estate
Op vrijdag 21 oktober zijn Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) -directeur Tim Caulfield, LIFE project adviser Claudia Guerrini en LIFE monitor Baiba Gaile samen een kijkje komen nemen bij het unieke